The voluntary membership of the Association comprises of 169 select individuals, assisted by a small secretariat of RFCA crown servants.
Serving and retired officers from the Reserve Forces and the Cadet Forces, together with representative members from local authorities and employers make up the membership of the Association.
The members of the Association elect the President and the Chairman. There are six county committees, each headed by a Chairperson who sits on the Association Board.
East Anglia RFCA Association Board Members
EA RFCA Chair, Finance Scrutiny Committee Chair
Association Vice-Chair, Executive Board Member, Hertfordshire RFCA Member
Association Board Member, Essex RFCA Chair
Association Board Member, Suffolk RFCA Chair
Chair of the Regional Employer Engagement Group, NEAB Representative
Association Board Member, Norfolk RFCA Chair
Association Board Member, Cambridge RFCA Chair
Association Board Member, Vice Chair (Air)
Association Vice-Chair (Army), Executive Board Member, Suffolk RFCA Member
EA RFCA Estates Advisory Committee Chair
Association Board Member, Hertfordshire RFCA Chair
EA RFCA Joint Cadet Committee Chair
Association Board Member, Bedfordshire RFCA Chair
East Anglia RFCA Staff Secretariat
Chief Executive
Deputy Chief Executive, Chief of Staff, Cadets & Youth
Head of Estate
Head of Engagement
School Cadet Expansion Officer