EARFCA Chief Executive appointed as Deputy Lieutenant for Bedfordshire

HM Lord-Lieutenant for Bedfordshire, Mrs Susan Lousada, appoints Colonel Leona Barr-Jones as Deputy Lieutenant

We are delighted to share the news that our Chief Executive, Colonel Leona Barr-Jones, has been commissioned as a Deputy Lieutenant of Bedfordshire.

Deputy Lieutenants are appointed by the Lord-Lieutenant, to support them in their role as The King’s representative.

HM Lord-Lieutenant for Bedfordshire, Mrs Susan Lousada, said: “Leona brings a wealth of business experience to the Bedfordshire Lieutenancy and has also had an outstanding career as a Regular Army Officer.  She continues as an Army Reservist and this, and her past experience, brings with it a wealth of talents, capability and expertise. I greatly value Leona’s leadership and communication skills and look forward to working with her. I know that she will be a fantastic addition to my team of Deputy Lieutenants and I am honoured that she accepted the role.”

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