East Anglia RFCA’s new Chief Executive, Colonel Leona Barr-Jones brings with her a wealth of leadership experience and knowledge of Reserve and Cadet matters in support of the Association’s goals in the region.

Col Leona praised the staff and members for their work: “I have been a happy customer of all your work for many years; whether it was as a Reservist at Cambridge UOTC at Coldhams Lane, as a CFAV as Commandant at Essex ACF or as a Gold ERS Award employer. I was delighted to see your amazing work first-hand again in the last few weeks when I attended the Hitchin Army Reserve Centre opening with the Lord Lieutenant Hertfordshire, when I visited two of our new cadet training centres and again when I attended the employer engagement Gold ERS Awards at Churchill’s War Rooms. All great events celebrating the great work we do and the people we do it for.”

Colonel Leona Barr-Jones served 21 years in the Regular Army and 12 years in the Army Reserve. She joined the RFCA in 2017 as a member, chairing the Hertfordshire County Employer Engagement Group, also sitting on the RFCA Essex Forum as Commandant of Essex ACF, then on the board of East Midlands RFCA as Colonel Cadets East Midlands before being appointed Chief Executive of East Anglia RFCA, succeeding Colonel Ray Wilkinson.
The Chief Executive of the RFCA is appointed by the Chair of the Association and is responsible for the efficient management of all the affairs and business outputs of the Association, in compliance with MOD Regulations of the RFCAs and as directed by the Association Board. East Anglia RFCA also appointed a new Chair at the Association’s AGM in March 2023, Brigadier Tim Seal TD ADC DL VR, who has held various roles in the RFCA since joining as a member in 2014.
In his closing message of the association’s annual report 2023, Col Wilkinson said: “The role of Chief Executive at East Anglia RFCA is an immensely satisfying one and I count myself extremely privileged and fortunate to have served in this role. I have also been most blessed to have been surrounded by Lord Lieutenants, Association Members, Reservists, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers, and Staff who have done their utmost to support me in the execution of my duties. I will be eternally grateful to them all for ensuring that my time in post has been so enjoyable. Thank you.” He added: “I am confident that with her experience and talents, Colonel Barr-Jones will take the Association to the next stage of its development.”