Suffolk Cadet commended for care of road accident casualty

Cdt L/Cpl Taylor receives her praiseworthy action award from Lt Col M Galley, Deputy Commandant for Suffolk Army Cadet Force

The Army Cadet Charitable Trust, a youth charity, has presented a Cadet from our region with a certificate of praiseworthy action for her quick thinking and responsible handling of an accident scene and care of a casualty.

Cadet L/Cpl Joselyn Taylor was waiting for her brother to finish school when she saw a woman looking at her phone screen step into the path of a car. With no time to brake, the vehicle struck her, knocking her some distance.

The driver stopped but remained in the car, so Joselyn took charge of the situation, calling the emergency services and giving the pedestrian first aid.

She tended the injured woman for 20 minutes, treating for shock and keeping her warm—initially with Joselyn’s own coat.

As people passed by, the cadet directed them to collect blankets from a nearby home so the woman, who was conscious but in considerable pain, could be more comfortable.

Joselyn also reassured the woman that help was coming and assisted her in contacting a family member as they waited for an ambulance. Joselyn continually monitored her vital signs throughout this time.

Once the ambulance had arrived, Joselyn was able to hand over her patient to paramedics so she could offer a statement to the police. She showed great presence of mind throughout the situation.

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