The Ministry of Defence MoD has launched ‘The Reserve Forces 2030: A Review of the Reserve Service’. For this review, it is inviting views from across defence and other government departments, employers in business and academia in the UK.
The aim is to maximise the skills of the Reserves Forces to support wider society, and establish better collaboration with businesses, government and the private sector in order to help with cost, skills and expertise sharing.
The Ministry of Defence says the specialist contribution military reservists have made across society during Britain’s battle against Coronavirus is exactly the sort of contribution the Reserve Forces 2030 review will consider, in examining how Defence can maximise the skills of its Reserve Forces.
Minister for the Armed Forces James Heappey said:
“Reservists are an exceptional group of people with specialist skills and expertise in a wide range of sectors. Their integral role within our nation’s Armed Forces has been demonstrated once again in the support they have provided during the Coronavirus pandemic.
“It’s crucial that we now look towards the future, not only to consider how best to utilise our existing talent but also how we can strengthen the role of Reserves for generations to come.”
The Reserve Forces 2030 review team will start collecting views “in the coming months“ and can be reached at
More information about earlier Reserve Forces reviews, such as the External Scrutiny Team’s views on the success of Future Reserves 2020, and the comments in the 2015 National Security Capability review, is available by searching our website.