About 100 applications to join the Cambridgeshire Army Cadet Force come through every month to the RFCA team who administers membership for that county.
From the ACF Cadet Training Centre and County Headquarters in Waterbeach, Cadet Administrative Officers Kirstie (main photo) and Sarah processed about 1,100 applications in the last year from young people and adults looking to join one of the 31 Army Cadet detachments in Cambridgeshire. There are currently 820 young people aged 12 to 18 in the Cambridgeshire Army Cadets, and 145 adult volunteers who train them.
The Administrative Officers follow each individual through the application process. In the case of adults looking to join as volunteer cadet instructors, the team processes their DBS checks and renewals, stays in touch with the applicants and ensures their proper induction into the ACF. All applications are handled professionally, with the help of a ‘joiner tracker‘ system rolled out nationally by the Army Cadet Force in the last five years.
And it’s not just applications that come through to the Administrative Officers’ desks; they also maintain online administrative systems to ensure all promotions, completed training and expenses are properly recorded and provide adhoc support to the Cadet Executive Officer, the County Commandant and her deputies. In addition, the AOs are the first port of call for incoming phone calls and web enquiries.
In recent months, the team recently welcomed over 30 new adults into the Cambridgeshire ACF, and 20 adults attended a dedicated familiarisation event coordinated by the AOs in May. Once they’ve joined, adults are supported and encouraged to develop new skills and take on leadership positions in order to maintain a sustainable quantity of experienced instructors at every level and in every corner of the county.
The Administrative Officers, along with the CAAs and the Cadet Quartermaster, are all RFCA staff embedded in the Cambridgeshire ACF, reporting to the Cadet Executive Officer. The team works devotedly to deliver safe people, places and equipment day-in-day-out for the cadet instructors so that as many young people in Cambridgeshire as possible can benefit from the the fun, friendship and adventure accessible through the ACF. We are currently inviting applications for the role of Administrative Officer in Cambridgeshire. To find out more about the role and to apply, view the vacancy notice.