East Anglia RFCA builds community connections in Cambourne with joint cadet event

East Anglia RFCA sponsored an event in Cambourne that brought together local councillors, Army Cadets, Air Cadets, and the dedicated adult volunteers who train them. The event took place at the Cambourne Cadets’ current training venue, The Blue School pre-school the RFCA hires two evenings per week from the Town Council for the cadets. This was an exceptional opportunity to showcase the valuable role that cadet programs play in shaping the youth of our communities.

The two South Cambridgeshire District Councillors who attended, Councillors Peter Fane and Peter Sandford, engaged enthusiastically with the cadets and volunteers on 21st May 2024. These interactions provided a first-hand insight into the dedication, discipline, and leadership qualities that cadet programs instil in young individuals. The councillors were visibly impressed by the confidence and skills of the cadets, as well as the professionalism and commitment of the adult volunteers.

Alison Falcon, East Anglia RFCA Deputy Chief Executive underscored the RFCA’s commitment to fostering strong community relationships. “Community leaders get a real feel for the benefits of the cadet forces when they see the enthusiasm and dedication of the cadets and the adult volunteers first-hand,” Falcon remarked. “The RFCA has a key role in connecting the cadet organisations with communities.”

Cadets demonstrated various skills and activities, including first aid, flight simulation, radio communications, music, leadership, and survival techniques. By providing the visiting councillors with a glimpse of their regular training sessions, the cadets were able to share how meaningful and transformational the cadet experience is.

While the event primarily aimed to showcase the achievements and potential of the cadet programs, it also subtly highlighted the need for enhanced facilities to support their growth. As Cambourne continues to expand with new residential developments, the hope is that community leaders will recognise the importance of investing in spaces that nurture youth development.

East Anglia RFCA is committed to supporting the cadets and ensuring they have the resources needed to thrive. Whether it is through developing existing facilities or considering future needs in ongoing development plans, the focus remains on providing the best environment for these young individuals to learn and grow.

The event was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees and building community connections. It reinforced the value of cadet programs and the significant contributions they make to the community. As Cambourne looks toward the future, the bonds forged at this event pave the way for continued collaboration and support for our local cadets.

East Anglia RFCA extends its gratitude to the councillors for their participation and to all the volunteers who make the cadet programs possible. Wing Commander Rob Bradshaw, Officer Commanding Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Wing Air Cadets, said, “It is fantastic to see the Army and Air Cadets from Cambourne come together to showcase their contributions to the local community. By collaborating closely, we ensure that the young people we serve have varied and engaging opportunities that benefit them now and into adulthood.”

Group photo of Cambrourne Cadets with their adult instructors, local councillors and East Agnlia RFCA Deputy Chief Executive inside the hall
Air Cadets and Army Cadets from Cambourne with local councillors at the event sponsored by East Anglia RFCA to help build community connections.

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