Air Cadets from 308 (Colchester) Squadron recently visited Stanway Green Lodge Residential Care Home. The cadets talked about their Air Cadet experiences with residents.
During the visit, a resident of the care home shared that he had himself been an Air Cadet with 308 (Colchester) Squadron in his youth. Not only that, but photos and memorabilia from his time as a cadet were some of the most valuable memories from a lifetime of experiences. The elderly gentleman shared photos and items, kept from his time as a cadet, with the current air cadets.
Photos courtesy of 308 Squadron:

The Cadet Forces offer what appears to be lacking these days in some parts of society: self-development, teamwork, character building, respect, integrity and having fun within a structured environment. As well as the Essex Wing of the RAF Air Cadets, the RFCA’s East Anglia Region also includes the Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Wing, Norfolk and Suffolk Wing, and parts of the Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire Wing. The RAF Air Cadets is made up of two branches: Combined Cadet Force (RAF) and Air Training Corps (ATC).
In total, across the RFCA’s East Anglia region there are 97 ATC Squadrons, 3100 ATC Air Cadets and 800 adults who train them.
Many of these squadrons share a building with an Army Cadet force detachment, and will meet at their Cadet Centre, managed by East Anglia RFCA, on a different night of the week.