The Council of RFCAs published its Annual Report for 2017-18, and it includes many stories from the East Anglia region.
The report contains many photos and stories showing the contribution from Eat Anglia RFCA staff, members and supporters, who can feel proud that their efforts are being highlighted at the highest level. It can be viewed as a .pdf in parliamentary records.
Maj Gen (Retd) Jamie Gordon CB CBE, Chief Executive of the CRFCA, in the report’s introduction, says the RFCAs deliver their Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to their customers’ satisfaction because despite being a national organisation, The RFCAs’ effect is delivered locally by local people, who know their localities well, for their local communities. “As always, it is our people that deliver,” he concluded.
Gavin Williamson said, as he placed a copy of the report in the Library of the House:”I am very grateful to the RFCAs for their valuable work in support of the Reserve Forces and the Cadet organisations.”
The Defence Secretary continued: “I should also like to thank Lieutenant General Robin Brims for all he has done as Chairman of the Council of RFCAs, as he prepares to step down from the role at the end of the year.”
Lieutenant General (Retd.) R V Brims CB CBE DSO DL is the Chairman of the Council of Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations. In his report foreword, he emphasises: “Our board members, Associations, and supporters have worked so effectively over these last few years that we are now in the strong position of assisting the implementation of Future Reserves 2020, not least through the annual report to Parliament on the state of our Reserve Forces. We also enable the single Services in the Cadet Expansion Programme (CEP) and now report annually to the MOD on the health of the Cadet movement. In taking on these roles we are showing that we are trusted and used by the MOD and single Services to promote the best interests of these two constituencies.”
A limited number of hard copies of the report are held by CRFCA and each RFCA will receive two copies. Please contact us if you would like a hard copy.